Content Marketing Tips: Sexy

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Content Marketing Tips: Sexy

The famous content marketing all using the “sexy” words to attract many visitors to read. Some of the writer used to write a article to promote his samsung galaxy phone. The article said the Glaxy is a super sexy handphone. The app of “line” will help you get a Korean girl friend.

Although the phone never help him made some money, but the article got almost 400 readers to read in a day.

How To Use the Content Marketing

Many people like to use the keyword to do the content marketing, because of the “relevancy” of the website. However, the phone selling article made us know the keyword is not important for the content marketing, the contents itself is very important. The word “sex” is the No.1 search keyword in the Google for many years. The original demands make the related article always get many people to read and share.

How to describe your article? The answer is using these kinds of high demands words to write the article. Forget about the report, technology, and money making articles; write something more interesting, and really attract different readers. They read, and they will share the article.

That’s the key of the content marketing.

