How To Increase the Website Traffics 128%

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How To Increase the Website Traffics 128%

Contents is the king and traffics is the queen. Many marketing website are using some smart methods to generate traffics especially the SEO is more and more tough to do.

There are three basic things to make the website traffics increasing.

  1. Google Adwords: Buying traffics from Google
  2. Social Media: Youtube Video, Contents sharing on the pinterest and facebook
  3. Email Marketing: Broadcast the emails to own subscribers.

Connections with other popular websites is latest marketing ideas to get traffics. The core of the method is contribute the comments on the relevant news website to get the visitors back to visit the our website contents.

Three most popular comment system are used in the Comment Traffic Strategy



Facebook Social Plugin

The last one is the best. Many people like to use the software to bulk leave the comments on the other people’s websites. Never ever do this, because such comments don’t have any value, and obviously the formal website owner will never let the comments show on their own website.

Here is a step by step guide to use the faceook social plugin to get traffics.

Step 1: Search the webpages or news by using the “keyword + facebook social plugin”

Step 2: Read the search results, and leave some useful comments in the facebook comment area. Make sure the comments is related to the webpages.

Step 3: Left your own webpage in the comment area.

That’s all. The more you do, the higher chance of the visitors will visit the website.

The contents are relevant is very important. Low relevant contents will make the visitors report the link is spam.

You can learn this technique in the youtube video.

